The #1220XX is a thicker version of one of our best sellers, the #1220 Super-grip full sole (8.5mm v.s. 5.5mm). The "XX" here means extra heavy (just Levi's 501XX!). Perfect for any heavy-duty work boots with or without leather midsoles.
【Bench-Re-Built】Keystone Biker Boots Resole w/ Dr. Sole NEW 1220XX Supergrip Full Sole (Extra Heavy)
#1220XX Supergrip Full Sole(Extra Heavy)
Color: Black
8 10 12 14 F 300mm 320mm 335mm 355mm W 120mm 125mm 130mm 135mm T 8.5mm 8.5mm 8.5mm 8.5mm F: Full Length / W: Width / T :Thickness